Thursday, December 8, 2011

cars, cars, cars

why do cars break, even when you take good car of them.  First the altenater, the battery is next, then the sparkplugs, ect......  Why is that? why are cars such a pain? you try and try and try to take as good care of them as best as you can and it seems like nothing ever works. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

An Outside Experience

Have you ever had an outside body experience? is it possible to really have one?  I think it would be possible, but how would you know? 

Have you taken a second and wondered what the reason we as people are here on the earth or why we exist?  If god made man kind then why is he not here with us?  Always asking questions that will probably never be answered

Pay It Forward

reading the book of "Pay It Forward" has deffinently touched me more then the movie did and deffenently had more detail in the book. Just something that I have always wondered was after seeing the movie for the first time I wondered if the movement really exists out there if there is people out there making a difference like this!  Is there away to really make a movement such as this? 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The beliefs of feathers

            Native Americans use Eagle Feathers in different ways such as spiritual uses, a part of dancers outfits and craft work depending on which tribe they are from.

            Native Americans use eagle feathers for blessing and honor, each tribe shows their respects in different ways. Native Americans use Eagle Feathers for power and spiritual assistance when working ceremonies, feather are also used in healing rituals for protection and strength to the person which is being healed. Medicine Men have their rites handed down to them from older Medicine Men so it will be passed on from generation to generation. Many ceremonies are not shared with other people they must be kept within the tribes.

            Natives Americans have Pow Wows for all tribes to come together and celebrate.  There are different kinds of means for Pow Wows.  There are Pow Wows for healing when one is sick I myself have had a healing Pow Wow, there are some for people to get together and there are some to honor a new Head Lady and Head Man. Every Pow Wow has a grand opening to bless the arena and to show respect to the dancer and to keep the arena safe from any evil.  Dancers receive feathers from family as gifts as well as other people to show respect. Dancers earn Eagle Feathers that is used in their regalia which are a head dress for dancers, Male dancers were regalia women do not, before using Eagle Feathers in their regalia a Medicine Man blesses the feathers. Each dancer makes their own outfits that represents themselves and as well as their family and tribe.

            Native American use feathers in art work such as pottery, blankets, paintings sand, paintings, and bead work and dream catchers. Depending on which tribe is making these crafts depends on how the feathers are being used.  Most feathers that look like Eagle Feathers that you can buy are actually colored turkey feathers.  Native Americans use the turkey feathers because; our beliefs are so strong each feather is honored.
            Native Americans have very high respect for eagle feathers, but every feather is honored in their own way.  All though, the owl feathers or a bad omen to the Navajo people, owl feathers are known to bring evil in and around you and your home.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Having Thanksgiving this year was different because someone that usually comes over did not this year, but I still had a good Thanksgiving I was with family.  Being with my family Made me relize that yes they're wierd, but they are still my family and I love them I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving this year and best of wishes to everyone.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

different music

Why is it That we listen to music that reflects on the mood, that we are in?  For example when some people  are mad they will listen to swearing or yelling and when were in a good mood its just like calm, relaxing and fun music. when people are in a sad, down mood they listen to depressing music.  Why is it that we do these things? that do not make sense one thing that I have always wondered.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Blogging so far has been interesting, I'm still not sure the actual understanding of Blogging.  My understanding of Blogging is where people can write down what the feel, what has happened recently, what is going to happen and there opinion on things. So far I am not a blogger, Or maybe I just need to work on Blogging.  Either way I will find out what I still can learn or need to do to become a better blogger.

Friday, October 28, 2011

president obama and george bush and fort hood texas

I read an email that I had recieved and in that email it said that  there was a shooting in Fort Hood texas a few were shot and hopitalized. George W. Bush had visited the bass that the shooting had acurred  and visited the hospital and was there for six hours until someone had him esscorted out in that time Obamha had visited Fort Hood but not the hospital.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Being happy and outgoing I have missed doing now that I'm back in school and working towards my Forensic Science degree in criminal justice is fantastic, I haven't yet started my classes yet for criminal justice but I am doing my generals at the moment.  I have good grades and I'm getting ready to start my new job here soon. working and school, Yes, I will be tired but i will be doing what I love to do work and school.


Being back in school is just amazing, to be able to work for what I want and achieving the goals that I have set for myself and acommplitioning them is such a great feeling, and having the support that I need to get through school is just outstanding and the staff at the Salt Lake Community College are very useful to myself as well as the students.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Barack Obama gets threats from a U.S. citizen

A man named Daniel James Murray opened a bank account at Zions bank in St. George while opening an account he had said and I quote  "We are 94 million miles from the sun and are in between the sun and moon, and the eagle that flies between them, and it's a giant step for mankind ... I have traveled thousands of miles to be here and know things that are going to happen ... the banking system will fail and people will die ... there will be chaos in the world." ( to the bank teller and Has about 85 Thousand Dollars and hiding from Utah authorities.  The U.S. attorney office is not going to charge him with threats to the president until they fully believe that someone would actually attempted to kill the president.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

UTA Bus Stops

UTA bus stops should have covers and a bench, at every bus stop.  One day it was raining and I had seen an elder man in a wheel chair, and he had an umbrella but he was using it to block the wind.  He only had a light jacket and thin pair of slacks, I felt bad that he had to sit out there in the cold and rain.

Monday, September 12, 2011

How I feel about abortion

I feel that abortion, it should only be use if it is absolutely necessary.  Like if it is a life or death situation. for my culture if a Native American gets an abortion the spirit that and started a life by killing it the spirit would come back and haunt you. I personally would never get one because it is an adult decision to conceive a child. if someone is going to do adult activities then they  should take adult action and keep the child and adopt that child to a family who can not conceive. My friend had her child at 17 she was going to get an abortion I had told her "do what you need to do I don't support the idea to get one but if it's what is best for you then do it." Luckily she never did she is a proud loving parent and she loves her son.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

If a girl asks a boy out on a date.

If, a girl asks a boy out she should pay.  Growing up being very in dependent.  the boy would choose what we would be doing.

If I asked a boy out I would pay.  The reason I would pay would be because, I asked him which means I was want to go on a date with him.  therefore, I would pay and drive.

growing up, I had to help pay for a lot of things.  Living with my mom an independent, single women raising three children I have picked up the habit of paying for my own things and it has become a problem for me when a guy pays for me.  I have been out on a date the boy had asked me, and we kind of got in a minor argument about who would be paying for what. Unfortunately, he payed for dinner and I had paid for the movie. because, I would not give in.

If i ask a boy out I would pay for everything.  If I was paying for everything then the boy would be choosing what we would be doing.  ether, it would be going to see a movie, have dinner, play minicher golf, or what ever he would want to do.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

my first writing experience

My first writing experience that I remember was that my teacher for the longest time had to keep telling me to make sure there was a space between the words.  So, what I understood was between the letters so I made a space between the letters and then she had to explain it a little better to me about how words need spaces in-between not the letters so of course over time I had got better at it.

making my first blog

Making a blog for the first time is interesting, this will defenatlly be somthing to be looking forward too.  I hope i could get use to making a blog, im sure it will take sometime to figure how to use a blog.